Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Iguazu falls officially confirmed a wonder of nature

Hotel Iguazu
Situated in Iguazú National Park, some 20 km. from Puerto Iguazu in the north of the province, these falls are shared by Brazil and Argentina.

Iguazú river is born in Paraná state in Brazil, and after crossing 1,200 km. on a plateau where it receives several affluents, it reaches a fault forming a crack in the interleaved layers of sandstone and basalt where the river runs.
 This river runs through a smooth geography until it reaches a series of faults, and suddenly an 80 m. canyon in the Devil's Throat where the water produces a thundering sound and then drains into the Parana river.

A legend says that a big snake called "Boi" lived in the river. To calm its ferocity, aborigines sacrificed a woman every year as an offering. But once a brave guarani aborigin kidnapped the woman and saved her from the traditional rite escaping through the river. Boi burst in anger, bent its body and split the river forming the cataracts separating the man and the woman.
There are more than 270 falls in an area where cliffs and islets are scattered in a half moon.
From the visitors center you can walk around trails or in a picturesque train.
There are two basic circuits: an upper path and a lower path.

The lower path leads to the base of the falls, where the spray moistens visitors. It is a unique experience, worth daring the adventure. In this circuit you may also take a boat to Isla San Martín.
From the upper path you have panoramic views from the footbridge in an unforgettable experience.